Benin Flag
Benin Flag
Benin Flag
Benin Flag
Benin Flag
Benin Flag
Benin Flag
Benin Flag
Benin Flag
Benin Flag
Benin Flag
Benin Flag

Fraternity – Justice – Labour

May the hard and smart work continue!
Ralph Photo

Welcome to the world I am currently engineering!!!

Tuesday February 18, 09:45:16 PM EST 2025



  • MSJ E-Commerce Site Screenshot 1
  • MSJ E-Commerce Site Screenshot 2
  • MSJ E-Commerce Site Screenshot 3
  • MSJ E-Commerce Site Screenshot 4
E-Commerce Development close

Liloo Signature: Shopify e-commerce development and The Morya’s Garden: it is a professional responsive ecommerce website designed for Morya Sín Jadɛ́ɛ̀n; a self-funded and privately held company that is modernizing our traditional African medicine. It operates as a cooperative for the well-being of all.
Tools: Shopify, Liquid, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Gulp, Webpack, Chrome DevTools, Drush, Composer, Drupal 8, Twig, Selenium, Apache HTTP, MySQL server & PhPMyAdmin

  • AHCP Application Screenshot 1
  • AP API Screenshot 2
Java EE Development close

Associated Health Care Professionals (AHCP) and African Poker API (APAPI) are secure and scalable enterprise Java EE web applications and REST APIs engineered for Comergence and BGS. AHCP is microservices architecture where each back-end microservice is composed of an N-Tier architecture application. AP API is an Event-Driven Microservice Architecture set up with policy based Identity and Access Management.
Tools: J2EE, PrimeFaces, JSF, XHTML, CSS3, XML, Spring Web MVC, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring, Hibernate, Spring Cloud Netflix (Eureka, Feign, Hystrix, Ribbon, Zuul), Consul, Vault, Kafka, Spring Cloud Vault, Spring Cloud Stream, Cloud Computing & Functional Reactive Programming, Docker, Mockito, SonarQube, Postman, Jenkins, Jackson, RxJava, MySQL, Liquibase, Postgres, IntelliJ, Netbeans, Maven, Git, Apache HTTP/Nginx, Tomcat

  • BEG Website Screenshot 1
  • BEG Website Screenshot 2
  • BEG Website Screenshot 3
  • BEG Website Screenshot 4
  • BEG Website Screenshot 5
CMS Web Development close

The websites are designed for Yenex Consulting, BenSino Engineering Group SASU, BenSino Information Technology Corporation, and Global Action Health-Environment and Sustainable Development. They are Content Management Systems (CMS) driven web design implemented with Wordpress, Drupal, and Joomla. They are also SEO friendly, cross-browsers, WCAG 2.0 Compliant, and available on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
Tools: PHP, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax, LESS, Bootstrap, Gulp, Webpack, Chrome DevTools, Selenium, Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Apache HTTP, MySQL server & PhPMyAdmin

  • ASDBMS Project Screenshot 1
  • ASDBMS Project Screenshot 2
  • ASDBMS Project Screenshot 3
  • ASDBMS Project Screenshot 4
  • E.K.A. Screenshot
  • SuiteCRM Screenshot
PHP Development close

African Skills Database Management System (ASDBMS) is a persistent MVC web application deployed on Apache HTTP server. The system uses MySQL server with PHP to manage the designed database.
EKA Application is a web application designed for Auto E.K.A. that offers data storage, appointments tracking and reminders, and real time inventory management.
Consumer-Purchasing Habits Tracking and Management Tool (CPHTMT) is BenSino Engineering & Consulting Firm Inc.’s secure and scalable central tool that develops, manages, and maintains a profitable relationship with our customers.
Tools: PHP, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, Zend, JSON, OAuth2, Composer, V8, Eclipse, PHPUnit, PHPDepend, Apache HTTP & MySQL server, MySQL Workbench CE & PhPMyAdmin

  • AfricanPoker Project Screenshot 1
  • AfricanPoker Project Screenshot 2
  • AfricanPoker Project Screenshot 3
  • AfricanPoker Project Screenshot 4
  • AfricanPoker Project Screenshot 5
African Poker (games collection) more_vert

Check out available games

African Poker (games collection) close

The Game Collections "African Poker" is a well known strategy game played with 32 cards in Africa. This is a multi-players’ game rated medium maturity. You can connect with fellow Africans to chat or practice your African countries and capitals knowledge with the Quiz mode.
Tools: Java, Kotlin, AIDL, Common Android Design Patterns, MultiThreading, Handlers, AsyncTask, Remote Services, Gradle, Mockito, Espresso, Android DDMS, Git, Google Material Design, SQLite, Firebase, Android Keystore, Eclipse, Android Studio. SwiftUI, Swift5, Core Data, CocoaPods, Apple Design Principles & Apps Interface Guidelines, XCode.

  • Continuum Project Screenshot 1
  • Continuum Project Screenshot 2
  • Continuum Project Screenshot 3
  • Continuum Project Screenshot 4
  • Continuum Project Screenshot 5
Continuum more_vert

Download the game

Continuum close

The game is implemented in C# language with XNA Game Studio 4.0 and is designed to run on any Windows platform that has the dot.Net framework installed.
Continuum is a 2D side-scrolling puzzle game where the player guides a young boy through an old haunted house to the safety of the attic.
The keyboard keys are used as the inputs to start the game, control the character, and exit the game with escape.
Tools: Microsoft Visual Stutio 2010 & XNA Game Studio 4.0

  • LoP Project Screenshot 1
  • LoP Project Screenshot 2
  • LoP Project Screenshot 3
  • LoP Project Screenshot 4
List of persons web app more_vert
List of persons web app close

It is a persistent 3-tier web application deployed on Tomcat 7.0 server.
The Web layer is designed according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture with Java Servlets as controller and used Java Server Pages (JSP) technology to build the view.
The Data Access Layer is based on Ibatis SQLMap framework, while the Service layer used the AOP principle.
All three layers used Spring IoC principle to communicate and the persons are stored within the database table.
Tools: Eclipse, Tomcat, Spring, Firebird, IBExpert & MyBatis

  • PaySlip Project Screenshot 1
  • PaySlip Project Screenshot 2
  • PaySlip Project Screenshot 3
  • PaySlip Project Screenshot 4
  • PaySlip Project Screenshot 5
  • PaySlip Project Screenshot 6
  • PaySlip Project Screenshot 7
Payslip web enterprise app more_vert
Payslip web enterprise app close

It is a persistent 3-tier enterprise application deployed on Glassfish v3 server.
The Web interface is built with Java Server Faces technology and the architecture of the application is designed as followed:
Web/jsf layer was built in GlassFish servlets container, while the service, dao, and jpa layers are embedded in GlassFish EJB3 container.
Tools: NetBeans 6.9, GlassFish, Spring & EJB3, MySQL & Swing

  • Bloodbowl Project Screenshot 1
  • Bloodbowl Project Screenshot 2
  • Bloodbowl Project Screenshot 3
  • Bloodbowl Project Screenshot 4
Bloodbowl game (2D) more_vert

Download the demo

Bloodbowl game (2D) close

The game is implemented in C/C++ language and is a high-level application that runs on a Windows platform.
The game’s interface (API) was built with Windows Forms, and it consists of a graphic user interface (GUI) for editing or choosing two teams and a 2D pitch.
The game play was designed using the event driven programming concept (mainly drag and drop event).
Tools: Microsoft Visual Stutio 2010, Windows forms API & MFC libraries

  • BatBall Project Screenshot 1
  • BatBall Project Screenshot 2
  • BatBall Project Screenshot 3
Bat Ball Game more_vert

Download the playable demo

Bat Ball Game close

The game is implemented in C# language with XNA Game Studio 4.0 and is designed to run on any Windows platform that has the dot.Net framework installed.
The game’s components was designed using C# interfaces in order to reuse the developed sprite classes such as Bat and Ball.
The keyboard keys are used as the inputs to start the game, control the Bat, and end the game.
Tools: Microsoft Visual Stutio 2010 & XNA Game Studio 4.0

  • CHDS Project Screenshot 1
  • CHDS Project Screenshot 2
  • CHDS Project Screenshot 3
  • CHDS Project Screenshot 4
  • CHDS Project Screenshot 5
  • CHDS Project Screenshot 6
CHRDBMS more_vert

Try out ASDBMS now

Concordia Hospital Relational Database Management System close

It is a persistent 2-tier web application deployed on Apache http server.
The client side is designed according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture with HTML, CSS, and jQuery to build the view.
At the server side, it uses a HTTP/MySQL server with PHP to manage the designed database and its built-in stored procedures.
Tools: PHP, Apache HTTP, Framework Zend, MySQL, MySQL Workbench CE, PhPMyAdmin & Wamp

  • Hybrid Receiver Project Screenshot 1
  • Hybrid Receiver Project Screenshot 2
Altera Stratix DSP/FPGA board more_vert
Altera Stratix DSP/FPGA board close

Prototype of the Galileo signals’ generator realized on the board at LACIME - an Electrical Engineering Department’s lab in ÉTS (École de technologie supérieure), Montreal

Integrated system to measure the magnectic field picture
Magnetic field meter more_vert
Magnetic field meter close

Chip manufactured in a class 100 cleanroom at CIME (Centre Interuniversitaire de MicroElectronique et NanoElectronique) Nanotech, Grenoble (France)

Industrial Tester Picture
ASIC Industrial tester more_vert
ASIC Industrial tester close

Test of the above integrated system and the camera FAMOSI’s CMOS sensor on the HP 83000 tester, Montpellier (France)